“Lillian Dunlap is a master teacher. She has created knowledge that will frame the way professors teach diversity for years to come.”
Keith Woods
Vice President of Diversity
National Public Radio and former Dean of Faculty at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies

“I would say Dr. Dunlap’s seminar was one of the most valuable things this Mass Comm Department has ever done.”
Professor Mark Mills
St. Cloud State University

“I’ve been attending faculty workshops on inclusion and diversity for nearly 30 years…this was the best.”
Professor Ronda Menke
Drake University

Diversity Across the Organization

At CRE we believe that excellence eludes the organization that fails to incorporate diversity into every tradition, routine, system, and production scheme. We approach diversity training as a vehicle for awareness and behavior modification in organizations. The training itself is therefore closely aligned with change management programs. We define diversity as an approach to information gathering and relationship building that is inclusive and that acknowledges the potential impact of talking and listening across differences. Those differences include but are not limited to ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, faith, age, geography, nationality, political loyalty, gender identity and physical ability.

CRE trainers adapt the curriculum to reflect the unique strengths and challenges of each organization and to build upon the knowledge and experience of the trainees. Learning objectives result from a systematic assessment of expressed individual needs and organizational values and objectives.  CRE trainers anchor the content of each session in organizational and personal needs and the expressed core values of your company.

Diversity Across the Curriculum

The Diversity Across the Curriculum (DAC) approach meets faculty members and students where they are. It does not require professors to become experts in diversity. Nor does it require that all teaching time be consumed with conversations about diversity.  The DAC program is designed to provide professors with:

• A philosophical base for teaching diversity that is grounded in the foundational principles of American journalism.
• Ideas for handling the explosive issues of race and diversity in a way that taps into the students’ curiosity and passion
• Keys to tapping into the talent and wisdom of award-winning stories from some of the nation’s most thoughtful journalists.
• Real-world examples from professors who put the teaching of diversity into action.